Request HackerNoon Trial Business Blogging Credit

Request HackerNoon Trial Business Blogging Credit


How To Request the HackerNoon Business Blogging Credit

New to HackerNoon? You can claim your trial business blogging credit!

  1. Create an account with the company name as the account handle
  2. Add company name as the display name
  3. Add the company logo as the profile picture
  4. Add company tagline as the profile bio
  5. Utilize the Writer Ad to link to a company asset (homepage, newsletter signup, ebook, software demo, whatever)
  6. Request your credit by filling out this trial credit form. Your company email should match your website domain.
  7. You will receive a confirmation email from us after submitting the form, informing you that your request is under review.
  8. We will review your trial credit request within 24 hours, and if your request is accepted, your credit balance will display '1 Credit'
  9. Check your credit balance here in about 24 hours.

How To Use Your HackerNoon Business Blogging Credits

  • Create A New Draft on HackerNoon
  • Pen/Craft/Manufacture Your Story on Hacker Noon and hit ‘Submit Story for Review’
  • If your story is accepted, you’ll be notified, and one credit will be deducted.
  • If your story is rejected, your credit balance remains unchanged
  • Read the editing protocol here
  • More on how to submit stories here
  • Top up your credits here.

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