Join Paid Video Call and become a Hacker Noon expert

Join Paid Video Call and become a Hacker Noon expert


Top Hacker Noon writers can list themselves for paid video calls via Hacker Noon’s new Meet Tech Experts Program (beta).


This program is a revenue share with 75% of the earnings going to the writer, 20% going to Hacker Noon, and 5% for Superpeer transaction fee. Writers set their own rate and availability for all video calls. We've seen people set anywhere between $0 (free) to $6,180‼️ per call. See some of example profiles here, here and here.

If interested in receiving leads for paid video calls, please fill out this Google Form.

You will need a Google account to fill out the form as we need to get access to your profile picture. We’ll review the information and then if sufficient send over an invite to the Hacker Noon network via Superpeer within a week.

Happy getting paid for your time!


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