The HackerNoon profile is your primary real estate. Learn all the perks it offers here.
- Visit here to update your call to action:
- Note: you have to publish your first story to publish the writer call to action.
Your customizable, prominently placed profile CTA can be used to drive your own newsletter subscribers, social media presence, a company/organization you believe in, or anything else.
However, there is one limitation we place on CTAs, and those are backlinks to paywalled sites that go against HackerNoon's values: An Open and Paywall Free Internet.
Creating a CTA - a step-by-step Instruction
- First off, get at least one story published. Your CTA won't be available unless you have at least one story published with us.
- Visit this page (also reachable via the edit profile button under your thumbnail)
- For Text, write the CTA copy
- For Link, enter the URL for your action:
- Please use a secure https:
- For email, you can use the format
- For Icon, you can use the set of preexisting icons, or go to for others.
- Click
- Click on your handle next to avatar to check how your profile looks now 😎
New Look for your CTA
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